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Steward4scca's Blog

For Stewards By Stewards

Google’s pretty good at finding any content on the Internet based on a search query. But sometimes you need to find an item only in a single website, like Using Google’s site:search allows you to search just one domain — not the entire internet — for a particular search term.

For instance, if you want to find a form in the SCCA website, performing a site:search would limit the results to only SCCA content. Here’s how – but it only works on the public side of the website. It won’t work for the File Cabinet.  (I’m building a sample page for solving File Cabinet clutter – look for that soon. )
Step 1: Go to in your browser (let’s search for a Stewards Application)

Step 2: Enter “ Steward Application” into the search box.

Step 3: Refine your search (scan through the results to zoom to what you wanted)

Hope it’s helpful…this has made me more efficient.